Oh for a bit more Brexit…

“Unprecedented” and “seismic” were phrases commonly used to describe the events around the relatively recent Parliamentary and Brexit shenanigans. Remember them? Suggest we’ll all have to re-calibrate our analogies after this little lot. How are you coping? Scary isn’t it? Do you find yourself wishing you could tune into the radio or telly for a…

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Eat, bray, love

Are you Eeyore or Tigger? A selflessly positive Pollyanna or a right Debbie Downer? As Eeyore would say, who cares anyway? It turns out that we should all care because, earlier in the week, news broke that we must all try to retain an upbeat, positive frame of mind in order to live longer and healthier…

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40 years on

If the 1960’s was something of a sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll-fuelled party, the 1970’s was the head splitting hangover. It was not a happy decade. Hard to believe now that we had to go shopping with a lighted candle or torchlight because of the sudden and unscheduled power cuts. Worse, all TV broadcasting…

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Keeping things in proportion

“Smile in the mirror. Do that every morning and you’ll start to see a big difference in your life…”. So said Yoko Ono. “I try very hard to thank my lucky stars and keep it all in proportion and perspective – but it can be tiring having a smiley face all day.” So said the…

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You really couldn’t make it up

I suppose there comes a point when you have to stop saying, “you couldn’t make it up”. But fact, it seems, continues to trump fiction – a phrase I bet they don’t use a lot in the corridors of the White House. Brexit and the NHS both continue to deliver such monumentally stupid situations which,…

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Dog’s blog: our number’s up

aerial shot of man reading a newspaper on a bench

Bailey, our faithful newshound, sniffs out the big stories of the week. Brexit. What a dog’s breakfast that’s all turning out to be. I made the mistake of trying to get through a few pages of the draft Agreement for the withdrawal from the EU. It’s largely incomprehensible legalese. And from where I sit, there…

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When the shoe’s on the other foot

Man tying shoes up

To truly understand someone, they say you should walk a mile in their shoes. Seeing things from somebody else’s point of view is an important part of being a better person – I suspect we all know a few bosses, employees or politicians who could benefit from taking a stroll in someone else’s footwear. Anyway,…

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