Posts Tagged ‘dog’s blog’
Dog’s blog: how many sleeps till the 10 year plan?
The Christmas tree went up in the office this week. Twinkly lights and lots of different shiny things that never fail to amuse. I think everyone’s just about got over the somewhat unfortunate incident last year. Let’s just say, it was a tree and I’m a dog and well…what did they expect? Anyway, there’s barely…
Read MoreDog’s blog: army barmy?
News comes this week that Matt Hancock thinks the NHS could learn a thing or two about management from McDonald’s. One assumes that Ronald McDonald won’t be asked for any lessons in the infection control department given the concurrent revelation that their ordering touch screens are covered in human faeces. That’d breed a culture, yes,…
Read MoreDog’s blog: black dog friday
Bailey, the Salix Newshound, is fed up with Black Friday. Is it just me or is anyone else finding Black Fridays deeply depressing? Traditionally, the day after Thanksgiving is the busiest shopping day in the USA. People take the following Friday as an unofficial holiday and flock to the shops. Well, they used to. Now,…
Read MoreDog’s blog: our number’s up
Bailey, our faithful newshound, sniffs out the big stories of the week. Brexit. What a dog’s breakfast that’s all turning out to be. I made the mistake of trying to get through a few pages of the draft Agreement for the withdrawal from the EU. It’s largely incomprehensible legalese. And from where I sit, there…
Read MoreDog’s blog: food for thought
This week, our Newshound, Bailey, picks through the bones of the health stories. This week opened with the Daily Telegraph’s much trumpeted interview with SoS, Matt Hancock. He was talking up his long term prevention plan and turning what he calls the National Hospital Service into a real health service. Wonder if the Daily Telegraph…
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