Posts Tagged ‘primary care’
Northern EXPOsure
The end of the affair So, that’s it then for the NHS Health and Care Innovation Expo for this year – and indeed, for ever. Next year’s Expo will be a joint affair with NHS Confederation called, imaginatively, ConfedExpo. The Expo started around ten years ago and was held at London Dockland’s vast ExCel conference…
Read MoreA modern professional relationship: an example of the NHS Collaborate philosophy in action
GP Dr Farzana Hussain and community pharmacist Jignesh Patel discuss their pioneering partnership in P3 Pharmacy magazine. Community pharmacists and general practitioners often co-exist in an uneasy truce. As pharmacists think about how they might fit into primary care networks (PCNs) and integrated care pathways, Rob Darracott went to Newham in East London to talk…
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